Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Final 8th month in Accutane

It has been a long while... The journey has been really long and it does interfere with my plans to have babies. One problem with Accutane is that pregnancy is strictly "prohibited" as it will cause birth  defects that include flipper limbed babies, microcephalous (small heads), tiny o missing ears, tiny eyes, blind, heart defects, delft palate, retardation, vascular malformations, kidney problems. It is also recommended that no trying of pregnancy within the 9th month. Hence careful birth control is required and that adds stress whenever my husband and I gets intimate.

My 8th month will end by end Feb. I kind of fast forwarded the journey by myself. I was told to take 30mg each day, but I took 40mg instead. I read that it is the cumulative dosage that is important and the recommendation of minimum cumulative dose is 120mg/kg to 150mg/kg. Considering that my weight is 52kg --> lower dosage is 54 * 120 mg = 6480 mg. Assuming that I take 30mg each day, I will need about 7-8 months. If i increase the daily dosage, I could potentially reduce the period. However, it is not recommended to increase the daily dosage to too high a concentration. Your body may not be able to take on the side effects. My major side effects are dry lips and elevated cholesterol. Luckily my cholesterol is still within a reasonable level even though it is on he unhealthy high range. My cholesterol used to be on the normal range. Hence, I will say please take with precaution and carefully monitor your health condition.